Plein air for Children in Dupnitsa

Today in Dupnitsa, in the space between the mosque and the two galleries, a plein air was held with children from the Don Kezi Art Studio. Inspired by the exhibition Joy, Sadness and Hope. 25 Bulgarian Illustrators of Children’s Books, the participants recreated some of the illustrations they viewed in the exposition in their own drawings. Others preferred to draw pictures based on their favorite Bulgarian poems, stories, and fairy tales. This is how children’s illustrations were born for the books The Runaway Bun, The Sugar Bowl Fairy, 1001 Nights, Sneaky Peter, and The Fox and the Hedgehog, as well as a portrait of Yordan Yovkov. The children’s drawings will be presented in an exhibition within the framework of the May Festival of Culture in the city.

This event was made possible through the financial support of the Ministry of Culture and the National Culture Fund, along with the assistance of the Municipality of Dupnitsa and the city’s Kliment Ohridski Primary School.