Elijah, August and Gergin

Author: Sotir Gelev

Year of publication: 2016

Publisher: Enthusiast

Number of pages: 112

Format: 130 х 200, paperback

Age: 7+

ISBN: 978-619-164-213-7

Elijah is a little boy. He lives with his mother, father, and sister. His sister is absolutely unbearable, but his mother says that girls her age are very sensitive.
Elijah has a friend named August. However, that’s a secret because August is a real-live "murkolak" and lives under the boy’s bed. Not exactly under the bed, but that’s hard to explain briefly.
August’s real name is Orondoramdardagnek. As you can see, it’s not easy to read, let alone pronounce. Gergin, on the other hand, is a large, fluffy white Persian cat.
One day, Elijah said to August:
“He reminds me of you, but kind of the opposite. You’re dark, he’s completely white. You’re always awake, and he only sleeps. I talk to you, but he doesn’t talk. He can purr, but he’s not a Murkolak.”

Sotir Gelev

Sotir Gelev

Sotir Gelev lives in Sofia and works as an artist and writer. He graduated from the National Academy of Art, Sofia. When still a student, he joined the team of the legendary Bulgarian comics magazine Rainbow, and together with his brother Penko Gelev and their studio Gekon, he creates television series for children, full-length animated films, documentaries, and feature films. He has won numerous illustration awards, including two Quillawards – for the graphic novel Ilycho, August, and the Seven Dwarfs, in 2016, and How Lora Learned to Count to Ten, in 2018. The Adventures of Mr. Blueberry received the Hristo G. Danov award in 2021, and that same year, Gelev was awarded the Konstantin Konstantinov prize for children’s literature for his book Lullabies for Fairies and Monsters, published by Enthusiast.