The Scissors

Author: Julia Spiridonova

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Ciela

Number of pages: 104

Format: 235 х 270, hardback

Age: 12+

ISBN: 9789542840923

Long, long ago, almost three centuries ago, the soldier Huban brought into his home a pair of steel scissors.  

Over the years, it was passed down from generation to generation, and the hands that touched it were teachers and merchants, clergymen and revolutionaries, soldiers and artists.

The scissors experienced many wonderful, funny, scary and even mystical adventures and took part in turning points for Bulgaria.

Over time, it turned from a simple instrument into something more. It became a magical key to ancestral memory.

So one day, when the scissor was far from Bulgaria, its power awoke and it was time to tell its story.

Peek into this window into the past. You may find a piece of yourself there.

Julia Spiridonova

Julia Spiridonova

Yulia Spiridonova was born on October 30, 1972, into a family of artists. She graduated from Sofia University Kliment Ohridski and New Bulgarian University. She is married with two sons. Julia Spiridonova is the author of over 15 books for children and teenagers, and her books have been translated into French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Macedonian, Czech, and Farsi. She is the winner of a number of awards and has been repeatedly nominated for the world’s biggest prize for children's literature, the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.

Other books by Julia Spiridonova