The Snow Princess

Author: Fani Peycheva

Illustrator: Sofia Popiordanova

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: List

Number of pages: 150

Format: 180 x 240, hardback

ISBN: 978-619-759-688-5

The Snow Princess spreads the snow on the ground to protect the crops. Her faithful snowflakes also fly with her. In the bitter winter, it happens that one of them, a master carver, loses his mind, while another makes mischief because of an insult.

The book is part of the exhibition Joy, Sadness and Hope. 25 Bulgarian Children’s Book Illustrators

Fani Peycheva

Fani Peycheva

Fani Peycheva (1938–1985) was a translator from Serbo-Croatian, a teacher, a librarian, and a journalist, but her greatest talent was making up fairy tales. She has only two books of fairy tales: The Goat with Golden Horns from 1980 and The Prince and the Star-Maiden from 1986. List Publishing House has republished them in the collections The Enchanted Forest and The Snow Princess.