Fani Peycheva (1938–1985) was a translator from Serbo-Croatian, a teacher, a librarian, and a journalist, but her greatest talent was making up fairy tales. She has only two books of fairy tales: The Goat with Golden Horns from 1980 and The Prince and the Star-Maiden from 1986. List Publishing House has republished them in the collections The Enchanted Forest and The Snow Princess.
The Snow Princess
Author: Fani Peycheva
Illustrator: Sofia Popiordanova
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: List
Number of pages: 150
Format: 180 x 240, hardback
ISBN: 978-619-759-688-5
The Snow Princess spreads the snow on the ground to protect the crops. Her faithful snowflakes also fly with her. In the bitter winter, it happens that one of them, a master carver, loses his mind, while another makes mischief because of an insult.
The book is part of the exhibition Joy, Sadness and Hope. 25 Bulgarian Children’s Book Illustrators